I am Qian, a Fourth-year Ph.D student of History at NYU.
I am working on Modern Chinese intellectual history. My dissertation focuses on Chinese non-affiliated left-wing intellectuals (1920s-30s) in a socially-engaged fashion. Marx's Capital and other French Marxists' theories are the entries to configure what "the social" means in my thesis.
Marx's Capital as well as many other Marxists usually start from the lens of Capital accumulation, while labor somehow is seen as secondary and dependent to Capital. My personal interest is rather slightly different by equalizing them as two independent modes of logic/reason/history. Therefore, my theoretical stance (obsession?) is more close to Hegelian Marxist Lukacs (20%) and the so-called "post-Althussurian" Marxists, Foucault (10%) and Ranciere (70%).
I am leaving next week for China and stay there for two months. I will be in touch!
Looking forward to our discussion!
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